It's Amazing!

We go from cold and damp.  To 70 degrees for one day and now it's going to be 80 today!  Gotta love Chicago Weather.  I'm guessing we'll have snow this weekend?  HA I'm totally knocking wood over there!!!   I'm not complaining I'm just so excited that it's warm I don't know what to do with myself.    Do I get out my warm weather clothes and put away the sweaters do I dare? 

Ok so yesterday I met some wonderful new students in my Die Cut Class Julie and Laura they were lots of fun and ensured that we had a fun time!  Welcome aboard ladies. I came home stopped at the bakery and got my order in for Sunday, I also got goodies for last night.  Got my Ham for Sunday as well.   Last night we had scrappy scrappy as my little one likes to call it.  We laughed so hard we almost cried.  Dianne and Alice helped me make 100 little sucker flowers.  And then they did big pinwheel lollipop flowers for the party tomorrow!  I can't thank them enough.  Paula was working on her party favors they are so stinkin cute!    I finally finished Katie's Birthday card(sorry Katie)  but Happy Belated Birthday.  The Kiddos ran around outside all evening until they saw the cute Mini Egg and Bunny cakes I got from the bakery for everyone last night.  That was all it took to get them in the house.

Today I'm teaching April Hero Arts Cards at Craft Fancy.  The cards above are from the class.  I'm so loving the fresh colors!!! 

Ok so I'm off to work some more on the Party projects for tomorrow!  I have 25 min before the kids awake and we start with lunches and such.  Have a great day and Enjoy the Wonderful Weather!

1 comment:

B said...

Oh lovely cards! :)