Well the week is well underway. An entire week with the kids in school. What am I going to do? Upload to Etsy! HA Got lots of new things coming this week. Yesterday I added 2 new sets of Alice In Wonderland Tags. Today I'm going with JACK!

The kids seem to be happy with school. It's hard these first couple of weeks lots of rules lots of testing etc. And for them it's the height of allergy season so we're fighting that! But dance has begun. At the studio this week and at Willow next week. They are excited about that. Em took her first Ballet class in a really long time last night, she loved it. Speaking of dance Abbi had been invited to Audition for the Nutcracker at Prairie Center For the Arts. We got the call Sunday she didn't get in. It's all good, having to be out of school for some performances and rehearsals and running right at the holidays would have made me even crazier(no one needs that). We were excited to be asked though since it was her first ever Audition and it was by invite only.

What else. Oooh the cards above those I made to slip in the kids lunch boxes once in awhile to give them a little smile. The lace paper from KI with the apples is awesome. I printed the greetings on the computer and punched them out. I have 2 left so sometime this week I'll sneak them in. I also got sandwich cutters from William Sanoma over the weekend. And wouldn't you know it I totally forgot until after I had the lunches packed! Lesson Learned never make lunches BEFORE Coffee!