Busy Busy

Ok well Wed. is my get busy and do it day. So I've been productive. Everything is getting picked up for the crop tonight. I finally got my room somewhat picked up and space cleared to work up there some. I'm generally unmotivated when I have supplies everywhere. Which I suppose explains my urge to buy more organizational supplies. Ahhh will the quest ever be completed?
I hope so. It's frustrating to clean and organize only to have it a mess the next day.

Right now the kids are diligently cleaning, well I should rephrase that. Emily is cleaning and Abbi is crying at the prospect of cleaning. She screams everytime I tell her to pick up toys. Her way of getting out of it. Then she goes and hugs Emily and cries. It's terribly sad and sweet all at the same time. I hope this means they are going to be close to each other. They will of course hate me for making them clean! LOL BAD MOMMY!

Oh well Dave's Devils and Dust CD came today I can't wait to give it to him. He loves Bruce and since he's so down lately I thought this might cheer him up. I can only hope. Although he seems to be coming out of his funk a little bit. He's been picking on me though which means he's getting back to his own self. Very very funny man not so funny when he's unhappy.

A Pizza box arrived today from Club Scrap their big and tall Alpha sets. Oh my god am I going to have some of the coolest layouts with these stamps. I will try to use them tonight! They are way YUMMY! Oh how will I organize these now??? LOL it's a never ending circle! Ok back to my kitchen then off to T-ball.

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