Ahhh the days end.

The day has come to an end. All is quiet in my little world. Dave is out in the garage enjoying his cigar(YUK) but he's happy.

Em was thrilled to go on her field trip today to Goberts and plat a flower. They all got a little shovel and some more seeds to plant more later. Their also making a word can which we get to decorate here to help them with their reading. She is super excited about the decorating part hope that leads to excitement about the words!

Abs well she had a rough one. We had a lunch date with our new friends Shari and Joey(also 2). But it took place during what would normally be her nap time. She was less than well behaved she kept taking Joey's toys giving him her french fries then taking them back. Her favorite word these days is NO. She's good at it every asnwer to everything is NO or Pease(please)! But she's so darn cute it's hard to get too mad at her. She's testing her limits and control over her own choices I know but it always rears it's head in public it seems.

We tried for the park today but when the sun went behind the clouds the wind was way too cold to stay for any length of time. Maybe it will be less windy and cold tomorrow??? We have to head to the library though I have a book on hold. Maybe the new Janet E. book woo hoo!

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