Summer Fun

Summer is really here. The kids are hanging out and making up things to do. Yesterday with Olivia they played a lot of dress up using Dance costumes they created a band and rehearsed and rehearsed last night until everyone at the dining room table that was scrapping new the words when they came to perform for us.

Today they are relaxing and doing window cling things. This is what they have completed so far. I got this kit last summer at Blicks and they adore it.
Things have suddenly calmed down. Dave is almost recovered from his last surgery. The staples are out and the tape will come off in a couple of days. The kids have nothing but crafting and reading to do. I'm working on my stuff but that can fit in and around everyone else's schedule.
I am doing the Make and Take Friday and Saturday over at Craft Fancy. Think Cupcakes! Plus there are going to be BIG SALE tables out you won't want to miss if you have a chance to stop by and check it out do and create a little something with me!
Have a great day!


Dianne said...

Happy Summer!

B said...

Glad that Dave seems to be doing well! Love the fun summer clings!