11 Years and Counting

11 Years ago today Dave and I were in Vegas getting married by Elvis! It really has gone by fast! YIKES! Happy Anniversary DAVE! Love you!
And because that is not exciting enough today is the official last day of school. The girls are getting their bathing suits on to go outside and play! They've already argued about what to play and when then asked if we can go to Starbucks for cookies or maybe make cookies? I'm waiting for can we go to Oberweiss for ice cream or can you just give us money to walk over there ourselves, which I'm sure I'll hear by the end of the summer.
So I'm just finishing up a couple of projects and doing a bit of cleaning then we'll get ready to go out tonight! WOO HOO Thank You Gina for babysitting the girlies! Hope everyone is having a great day!


Paula said...

Happy Anniversary Dave & Marnie!! Hope you have a very enjoyable evening out.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

itsallrosi said...

happy anniversary! hope you had a nice date night