Happy Monday..........OOOPS how did it get to the following SUNDAY?

I have no idea how I got to Sunday? Last weekend we had a great time at racetrack. I have some lovely pictures of the horses running and the kids playing. I just have to get them off my camera then I'll share. Thsi week was weird. Rainy and Cold, Hot and Humid, Rainy and Cold?? I was confused! We got all signed up for the Summer Reading Program at the Library and later after dinner we got to go over to Oberweiss and have ice cream which was very pleasant. The day just seemed to fly by though! Then we had rain and rain dates for Kite Flying(too windy....really I said that) the kites nose dived! But they had fun. The next day Field Day and Abbi's last day was Sidewalk Chalk, Bubbles, Ice Cream really she's in school like 2.5 hours. This weekend it was sleepovers, play dates, play room clean up(they finished I'm so excited), dance, etc. etc. It's just been last week of school mayhem!

Today we are going to make cards for a classmate of Emily's. He had a seizure in gym class last week and was taken to the hospital. Turns out he has a tumor on the left side of his brain, which I guess he is having surgery for. My heart just goes out to him and his parents, I can't even imagine how scary this must be. He's Em's deskmate so she's really sad and scared for him. He and his Mom are supposed to come by school tomorrow morning for a bit so I thought we would make cards for him. She's having a friend over to do them as well.

Well that's all I got today. The picture I took a few weeks ago when our weather was.....well a bit nicer and 70ish. It's June and it's 60 and rainy and gloomy here. Totally not what we expected I thought we would be going to the pool, instead the girls are playing in the bath tub! Ok enough about the ick outside. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi. Parabéns pelo seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer um pouco de nossa luta contra o comunismo aqui no Brasil. Abração