Good Day(Saturday)!

So Dave has had an excellent day today! He's going up and down the stairs on his own and talked to friends etc. I even got him to do a little library research on the Internet for me and he emptied the top half of the dishwasher! He is a little bored but that's ok if that's what he wants to complain about I'll take that any day over double vision and pain all over his body! He's sleeping much better and seems to be eating better as well! So it's all good today!

Here are some cards I've been working on with the Oddbird Planet rainbow stamp. It's just so cute and I used more googlie eyes! HA


Dianne said...

LOL! The lady with the glasses is SO cute and funny....I love her hair! I looked liked that when I woke up this morning!
Your cards are ALL wonderful!

fishlips said...

These are just 2 cute... Just darling!!!! hehehe