Wednesday Update (Dave)

So it was another rough day for moving around. But we're working out a system to make it a bit easier. We went to the Neurologist today. Good and bad I guess. Learned there may be some nerve damage on his left side. Need to get a good ENT to check the ears to make sure their healing. May get a MRI for the back to make sure there is not some other sort of damage. Stitches came out. Needs glasses out doors since the left eye doesn't close all the way or blink. Will start going to physical therapy. He can now do more things ie. stand in the shower etc. The trip to the Dr.'s wore him out. He was exhausted from the walking and being out in the sun.

Tonight was a night out to celebrate Dianne's b-day so Suz came and stayed while the Ladies went out. She hung with the girls and prodded them into cleaning up their room(per my request). She's good she read to them while they worked. Dave rested from his big day out and watched myth busters since the girls left him alone. Then he and I watched top design when I got home. I was wrong I guessed Eddie would stay since he makes good TV. It was pleasant however I think Dave stayed on the couch a little too long he was extremely stiff and it was hard to get up to bed but he was determined. We're going to try to go for a walk tomorrow. He still thinks it's extremely cold when I don't particularly I'm not sure what that means? I'm hoping for a beautiful day to get him outside!

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