And then there was ONE or not!

Well I've been meaning to post this since this weekend. We lost one of our Fishies on Sunday and the tears and the screaming were more than Mommy could stand for one little fish! That was only with us for about a day and a half! Then low and behold I went downstairs a bit ago to refill my coffee and low and behold the second one has bit the dust. Now it he's at the bottom of the bowl and I guess he looks like he's sleeping except for the mouth wide open in shock if you look closely. FREAKY! Anyway I called Dave and instructed him to stop and buy another one on the way home. He accused me of pulling a Sandy! We'll switch them out after he gets home! Hopefully this one won't die quite so soon! We are very unlucky with fish! Can you tell? I'm not spending 29 cents a day everyday but a couple more times we will. So I'm hoping no one will notice until after the new one is in place!

On to more pleasant news! The Super Bowl Crop was a ton of fun! It was crazy busy especially without Dave here! The girls got some playdoh and new color books to keep them occupied! They were very good considering!

Dave got home fairly early about 8pm we were suprised I expected him in the middle of the night but he was able to put the girls to bed.

Yesterday I woke up with a cold ick! Rested off and on trying to shake the cough and such! Still have it today not as bad as yesterday it seems. Gotta go take my ACES!

Hope everyone is healthy and having a great day!

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