Ok I wasn't gone that long but I feel like I was not quite myself since Friday! I've finally stopped taking the painkillers although I have to do the antibiotics till the end of the week but those just make me a little nauseous nothing serious. Anyway the fog of the Vitamin V has lifted! And I can finally think again!

I'm sooo excited last night I made waffles with my new George Forman Grill and the turned out wonderful! Maybe it was just the first food that tasted good after 2 days of drugs?? But I thought the were spectacular and even Dave ate seconds so they must have been decent! I served them with some fresh blueberry perserves we got for Christmas from my scrappin friend Mel. Yummy with a little whip cream the kids thought they were in heaven getting to put whip cream on their dinner! LOL I would have made them for breakfast but oh well I slept off and on in the morning!

I went out for about 20 min last night just to get out of the house. I went to the JoAnn's with my 50% off one item coupon. Got some super fabric taupe with big red flowers on clearence for $1.6o a yard it's going to be perfect for the accessories in my kitchen/eating area. I'm going to make a table runner and I'm not sure what else with it. Then I found some very cool MOD fabric in a big funky flower pattern for the girls room curtain panel which was too stinkin cool to pass up. I thought I would use my 50% on that but it was on sale as well so I ended up getting Cloth Paper Sissors 50% off. Darn had I known it I would have used the coupon for a new ironing board cover mine is funky! Oh well I love the mag it's always inspiring and now that Expressions has gone away it's one of the few mixed media mags I'll buy. Nothing new in scrapbooking there except more of their chintsy knock off embellishments and some CK album kits that are well not something I would buy. Oh well it was nice to get out of the house for a bit!

I started a new project with some fabric last night I wish I had thought to take a picture of the case before I covered it. Now I just have to finish lining it and create the small album to go inside and of course Embellish! Oh well a little motivation is returning! I'm a happy camper!

And the greatest thing of all in our life right now, it's probably sad that I admit we have so little excitement, Abbi sits on the potty now everytime we change her diaper. She's actually excited, I think about washing her hands! But whatever she wants to sit on the potty which I thought would never happen!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hey girlfriend, glad your off those "meds"... Hope your feeling better..
So, you hit the JoAnn's sale, too... It was dangerous in there. LOL I did a bit damage in there myself.

Love Expression mag... of course Tim is on the editorial board. yummy