Things are moving along!

Yup summer is moving along! Em has learned to pump her legs on the swing and twist and spin etc. She is thrilled! She keeps asking what food makes you swing higher yesterday was raisins and carrots(mommy suggested). Today she decided kisses would do it! Too Funny!

Abbi is getting so much more vocal now. Her current favorite quote is "I DO IT" and god help you if you don't let her! She can do one of the buckles on her car seat now and she is proficient at taking her clothes off as well as her diaper! She is working hard at putting her clothes on but socks still get her hung up. This morning I was laying in bed listening to her waking up she was making noises then suddenly I heard "I Abbi" and loads of giggles followed. Not sure what brought that on? The downside is she has started dreaming and remembering. Last night she didn't want to go to sleep because she was going to dream about bugs? Took me a bit to convince her there were no bugs! This is from the 2 beetles we had in the pool yesterday I think. Oh the screaming that went on!

My organizing is coming along nicely the room is still a mess but now it's the little crappy stuff I just don't want to do I'm burning out! I knew this was coming so I wrote it all down!

Oh and the laptop is almost completely dead. Oh well it was not meant to be!

Got my new TRW kit yesterday ripped it open and I'm almost done with a layout I started yesterday! Woo Hoo! Gotta love it! Paula subscribed and she called to tell me hers came as well! Very cool! It's 1/2 scrapworks pink and brown and 1/2 BO BUNNY(Dianne did you see it?). I love that you get 2 different lines It's just enough to make a couple layouts each and then move on to something else! I love love love that!

Scrapping Wed. I got lots done 3 layouts to be exact none earth shattering good but they are done and right now I'm working on making a dent in my photos! I'll post them here in a minute I have to stitch one together! Oh man we also had vanilla ice cream with Mel's homemade Rasberry sauce she grew the berries herself canned the sauce herself it was very yummy! I think I had a sugar OD Wed. we then had the tollhouse Mint Brownie Ice Cream things and Wisps(sp?) by Pepperidge Farm! Yesterday I was just out of sorts. All is better now!

Ok going to stitch a layout and post!

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