Soooo hot!

Oh well this summer is so darn hot. Barely any traffic for the Garage sale made about $200 total have tons left! My house is trashed I'm not even sure where to begin! The garage is trashed! And well I'm making a paint can! Woo Hoo and I sat out by the pool most of the morning while the girls splashed and played. I did of course take pictures of them being adorable! About a hundred or so. Gotta love the new camera! LOL someday I'll tone it down a bit! Below I sent pics of most everything we did last week and yesterday! We've been having fun!

Paula will love that I have her on here and sideways no less! I'll have to fix that! LOL
I forgot to take a pic of my ice cream cake I made for her with my new Betty Crocker pan! Way cool super easy!

Yesterday was painting today the pool most of the day and well tomorrow I think will be some school supply shopping and the post office I have a ton of stuff to go out! Plus some serious house cleaning!

I'm going to try to hit the chat at Wendi Speciale! I love Teresa McFayden and Foofala so it is high on my priority list. Washing dishes cleaning the kitchen very very low!!!!!! Laundry even lower! Sweeping and mopping well you get the idea! It's summer! I'm not into it! Plus it's 98 outside that's enough for me!

Actually there was a very nice breeze today but we all got lots of sun! And I think I will have to wash some clothes as all bathing suits are now dirty! Wait I have new ones stashed away! Woo Hoo! One more day!

Anyway must go negotiate more computer time with Dave so I can sit here for the chat!

Keep COOL!!!!!

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