Local Scrapbook Stores Do We Support Them?

So the field is narrowing. As far as local scrap shopping goes it seems. I had my worst customer service expierence yet at the store nearest me. Mind you I know better than to speak while I'm in that store I keep my mouth shut it just gets me attitude.

The thing that bothers me most about all of this is every single class I've attended or even crop we are reminded to support our LSS otherwise tomorrow they might not be there. This in my opinion does not give them the right to treat me like SH*T, talk down to me, or be mad at me because I am more informed about the industry than they are(or project to be). I'm sick of it and I'm not doing it anymore. If my LSS wants my support they will have to be nice to me period. I don't want free stuff or anything like that I just want them to be nice pleasant etc. This is my hobby, yes it's their livelyhood but their business issues whatever they may be should never dampen my excitement of my hobby nor should it ruin the fun of the shopping for my hobby. All this makes me appreciate the big chains more. At least I go into those craft stores with the knowledge that I probably couldn't get a question answered to save my life. That's fine I don't ask the questions and I know what I'm buying. They also don't stand in the middle of their store screaming at me that I'm wrong and then try to cover it up when they realize I might just be informed and know something not released to their customers yet. I would say the general public however any information I have about the scrapbooking/stamping industry comes from online and can be searched out by anyone I do not have an inside track to anything that anyone else doesn't already have. And I certainly don't know more than anyone else I just know about the specific things I'm interested in because YES THIS IS MY HOBBY it is fun for me(or it's supposed to be) and I'm an EXCITED consumer about things I am interested in!

I'm all for supporting the local small town stores but I refuse to be coerced into doing it when I get nothing but crap service! I will now shop at only 3 LSS and also M's, J's and Archivers. I know I'm blessed to have such a selection but really they are dropping like flies if this type of service keeps up. We'll see what happens after CHA since it's local here. I can honestly say this as a word of WARNING Be careful where you spend your money when your in town! Your likely to get your head bit off!

Ok enough enough enough. I have to get over it I know but I just can't seem to. I need to vent to everyone around me only everyone around me is under 6 and they just don't get customer service wait the 2 1/2 year old doesn't even understand shopping! She just wants to be a butterfly and have lollipops.

I'm going to end this hear and creat another post for more interesting topics!

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