Happy Week So Far

So things have been going AoK this week! Having fun with the girls and a couple of hours on the floor in the girls room and I don't feel like such a failure as a housekeeper. It's just all those little barbie and polly toys! Their Crazy!

Yesterday Em went to play in the afternoon with Haley and I got lots of my State Can done for the swap. It's darn cute! Gotta finish up the words and it's outta here!

Got an email from Paula asking about a playdate for Emily with Olivia(yes their cousins but Olivia is busy :-))! Which turned into bring both kids over on Friday you and Dave go out we'll watch them and can Emily stay the night! How Cool is that! I have a date and I didn't even have to plan well I had to make the reservations at Ruth's Chris but that wasn't hard at all!

Last night I did get to go to the online chat with Teresa McFadden from Foofala I was very happy! And I finally mounted that one stamp set I was terrified of. Everyday Flexible Phrases! Yeah if you can figure out how to mount it! LOL Then it's flexible.

I ordered lots on the Croppers Cottage big Sale which I was a little sad later about since I read there was going to be a Lil Davis contest and I don't have any! I love these contests you know gets me moving! Anyway got a call from Kim(she is very sweet and she really has a voice!) that some things were sold out because of the amount of people buying. Anyway I got the opportunity to change my order and get some Lil Davis stuff! I'm very excited! That one I get to play in the contest(yippee skippy) and two Kim was so kind to call me and let me know and give me choices how sweet is that.

Contests - why oh why do I love them so???? Not really sure. They make me work harder and really think about what I'm doing I guess. I'm always amazed at how fun I find these not a competetive person with others. I really just want to see if I can do better against myself I guess. Like I think I'm going to try for MMM ok I know I am I have the pics picked out the journaling started paper and design are in the works. I'm in. I don't expect to win having only 2 things ever published. But I do think I'm going to get some Freaking TERRIFIC layouts out of it and I'm having fun planning! Plus it is making me work harder for my journaling! Which is my goal this year to actually do journaling that doesn't just read here is the kid playing with the toy! Yadda yadda yadda! Like someone can't figure that out by looking! I'm also working on my handwriting now I don't know if I'll use it in my masters entry don't think I like it all that much but I am feeling better about adding it! However everytime I do I hear Sandy Genovese saying "and I see you used your own handwriting here.....I think that is so important!!!!" If I could just get her voice out of my head I would be happy to hand journal.

And on that note since, you know who is still napping. Banging my head on wood so as not to ginx myself! I'm going to go and get some stuff done! Actually work in my house so I can relax and scrap with my friends tonight! I LOVE WEDNESDAYS!!!!!

Have fun!

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