Now for Scraptalk

I'm so pumped! Last night I recieved a comment on one of my projects from none other than Heidi Swapp herself! I am so honored and touched she took the time out to comment. I couldn't see straight I was jumping up and down saying OH OH OH OH! Dave was looking for the bug! LOL He kept asking what was wrong all I could say was Heidi Swapp put the thing on my thing. Still hyperventilating he asked me who is Heidi Swapp?? What??? have you not listened to me speak for the past 2+ weeks about this woman! Proof he really doesn't listen. So I grabbed a magazine and showed him he seemed impressed. Who knows he might not have been listening??? LOL Anyway she commented on the box I made him for Father's Day which caught his interest(about him you know) and he was talking to the screen telling her yes he did like it very much! Too Funny! We're quite the pair! So that made my day! It was like winning the lottery for me anyway! Better I would say!

All that said the more I thought about the past few weeks the more I thought about how proud I was I got so much done! I've completed 13 layouts 2 boxes 2 cards and a clipboard. Not to mention designed and held stamp camp and finished one swap. I'm really on a roll! Finally out of my slump, Dianne calls it Unslumped. The title of her next inspiring idea book for the scrapbook industry. I'm currently the Anti Slump! LOL 2 of those layouts were the challenge layouts at Croppers Cottage you can view those here I think I'm most pround of those and the extra one I did for the HS contest, those were completely unplanned and spontaneous layouts! I've planned out 3 layouts today! I'm ready to go and scrap! It's a such a load off to be able to sit down and finish somehting finally!

So the kids are napping and I'm going ot throw a load of laundry in and start a new layout! Woo Hoo! Hope everyone is having a great day!

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