Spring is Here? More whining!

We had a very nice Mon except for the odd Temps. Warm/cold/warm/sunny/cool. It is mid May I know but come on already. I still don't feel safe putting young plants outside. Oh well soon enough it will be 90 and humid.

Em was too cute yesterday I was explaining to her she had a very busy week this week and when Mommy and Daddy asked her to rest we really needed her to rest since we would be so busy. She told me she would help us! LOL then I had to explain that no she was the only one in the family that was busy this week and that we would be helping her. She pondered that for awhile it seemed! Poor kid Wed she has to be at dance pics and a baseball game after her end of school party. Thur she as to be at dance practice and graduation luckily they are on the same floor in the same building so we can change and go from one to the other. Fri she has dress rehersal and Sat she has a game and the dance recital. YIKES she's 4 and I don't really sign her up for much compared to most kids. It's just this week. Today we are celebrating her birthday at school so I was up all night making the party favor things. They are cute I'll take a pic and post it in a bit.

Today I'm making the cards for the Teachers gifts we're all going in on. I'm also making the teachers each a set of monogramed cards from us. I also have to start my 6x6 fairy swap and get that going hopefully finish it by Thursday. Maybe get the wedding card swap going as well I can post them at the same time. Got a puzzle piece from Debi Boring this week for her Sally Jean puzzle can't wait to get going on that. Have to prime the piece and let it dry.

We're still going forward with this scrappers retreat I guess. We'll see I'm only going if Dianne and Jen can go that weekend. Ana can't go(she's in Panama) and Renee hasn't said anything so I'm not sure. It's already been pointed out to me that I'm an expendable member of the group by others so I'm still not sure I want to go. Found out today that another SU demo was invited which would make it interesting I suppose but it doesn't sound to relaxing for me. I would like to go and relax and enjoy myself. Anyway I cancelled scrapping this week which really was best we are way busy and my attitude towards it sucks right now. It sucks since I've had most of this group of ladies coming to my house for almorst 4 years now with a few changes of cast here and there but for the last 3 years we've scrapped together every Wed. I see it coming to an end now and I'm sad. Why can't everyone just play nice? I suppose I can reincarnate it somehow down the line but we'll see. We went through this shake up about 3 years ago and it still went on. It's just not fun for me anymore I have to constantly be on my toes protecting my intrests in my own home seems kinda crazy. It's really uncomfortable for me.

OK enough wallowing in it. I can't change peoples rudeness I can only change the way I react to it I know! I have lots to do and I need to get started and get off this darn pc!

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