So Tired

Wow I had a great time last night at Dianne's scrapping and eating! I finished a couple of layouts worked further on a couple and started one new one. Not bad considering I drug what seemed like my entire stash over there. 4 bags later. I used very little of what I brought and used her stuff(MUCH COOLER!). Oh well live and learn I suppose. Oh she had yummy yummy Alloette(sp?) cilantro lime cheese spread. Must get some of this very tastey! And she made an amazing Apple pie I'm telling you I would pay to scrap there, A LOT OF MONEY!

When I was leaving oh so late lastnight /early this morning the sky was amazing. It looked very much like what I imagine the Northern Lights looking like minus all the colors. Dave of course burst my bubble when I drug him outside saying yeah their clouds so. LOL I was so enjoying the show the clouds were putting on in the pitch black!

I have to toot Em's horn. She ate so well yesterday she loves Salmon so much and I made it for dinner she ate all of hers and some of Abbi's I was so impressed. Thank goodness she sometimes eats well. Or I would lose it!

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