Get your gear ready!

Off to school they go!  I tried really hard not to cry this morning when I took them to school.   I don't know why I get so choked up on the first day of school?  They were so excited they didn't even know I was there.  I have to go to work now and then it's off to pick up my Mom she'll be getting to her hotel around the time I get off work!  The girls can't wait to see her!   I can't wait to see her!  Ok so I'll probably be away from the blog with all the partying that will be going on around here this weekend.

I wish I had been more proactive about making gifties for the teachers for the first day this year?  I didn't have time so I've resurrected this photo from last year!  Gotta find time to do something nice for the teachers.

1 comment:

Nan said...

Awwwwww-hugs love the backpack!