Some Pics and Such

Ok a recap of our weekend. The 4th it rained. I grilled in the rain the kids couldn't really play outside, it was a bummer. But it cleared up by the end of the day so we went to see the fireworks they were great. The mosquitoes not so much! Sunday the girls had a friend over and they hung out in the pool most of the day oooh and they washed my car well as good as a 9yr old and a 6yr old can.
Yesterday we started walking to practice for our walk-a-thon we're doing in Oct. We went about a 1.75 miles maybe a little more. It was very pleasant. Then we spent the rest of the day at the pool in the bright sunshine with Gina and the girls! It was fun!

Today is study and dance day in our house. Hopefully we'll get outside to our backyard pool for a bit and a little walking in in the afternoon. It's supposed to be cooler than yesterday!
These pics our from our outing to the racetrack. I love being at the picnic tables by the rails! We're so close to the horses. The kids loved the pony rides and petting zoo! So that's it for now I have a couple of layouts coming up to share with you as well and a sneaky peaky of my tech class over at Craft Fancy!! Have a great day!

1 comment:

B said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!