Friday Is Here! RAT in a Bucket!

Have you met our rats? I don' t think I've shared pictures of them. This is Petunia. The girls love putting them in these little buckets. Petunia however is just looking for a way to escape. Daisy(not pictured here) loves her bucket not icky little kid hands touching her, less bathing to do later after playtime is over! They are quite funny I will share a picture of Daisy soon, maybe after the girls put her back in her cage she freaks and bathes and bathes and bathes!

Last night Dave and I went over to 1st Place and had snacks(yummy bar food) while Abbi was in dance. Em was out to dinner with a friends family so we were alone. It was like a mini 45min date. I'm always suprised at how places are pushing that Summer Shandy beer. It smells like someone dumped pledge into beer and called it clean? Now I'm not a beer drinker(makes me need to sleep) nor do I really love Lemon so maybe I'm missing something. It so reminds me of Zima which was like cough syrup with bubbles. I never could understand why anyone would drink that either.

So after today there is only one more week of school left. Well a week and a few hours. The girls are getting excited and I'm getting nervous. Dave scheduled his next surgery yesterday so we have that to look forward to in June. Ewwww. This weekend though we are going to the racetrack to check out the horses. They have tons of stuff for the kids to do and we're going to take a picnic lunch and hang out.
Another Fathers Day card uploaded to the store. I stamped and colored this with Copics in bright colors then when over each image with a light brown and warm grey to tone it down and make it look more antiqued.
Ok so clearly I really have nothing to talk about! But at least I'm not neglecting my little blog! HA


Paula said...

Love the card!! It's beautiful.

Christine Riley said...

Lovely project, great layout and great images!
Hugs, Christine

Lyn S said...

Great Father's Day the layout!

Lyn S said...

Great Father's Day the layout!