I know I've been MIA for a little bit but have very good excuses I swear! First last Wed. we had our cookie exchange and celebrated Ana's b-day Happy Birthday Ana. Which was so much fun we took her to Claim Jumpers and we all love that! Yummy Yummy Yummy then we came home and exchanged cookies. Only 4 of us this year but very cute very delicious cookies were exchanged. Here they are. Dianne's are up top she embossed that giant snowflake and added vintage looking buttons. So adorable. I love the Kraft paper boxes! The snowman tub is Paula. I love that little tub I think the Kelly Dolls have a pool now! Or maybe it will be a washtub for Daisy and Petunia.

Next we have Ana's with these cute little lunch boxes. I think my cat's eyes might fit in there? Gotta check it out after the cookies are gone! Our recipes were even personalized with our
initials I didn't get a good pic of that it kept glaring out the brad.

These are mine not a big deal I just added a poinsettia to the recipe and a cute pewter sleigh.
Besides that my Mom and Joel came for the weekend to celebrate Christmas with us. We spent a great weekend together shopping and eating and opening presents. The girls had a wonderful time. Although they were very very very sad when it came time for them to leave last night. The sobbing was almost more than I could bear. They talked to Grandma this morning though before school she was on the road heading home.
I have lots of projects to share with you that I've been working on. I just thought the cookies were more important! I would always do dessert first if given the opportunity.
Have a great day!
These are all awesome! Looks like lots of fun! :D
Wow! Look at you, you busy bee! All the projects look great and I would be totally delighted if I was the recipient. :)
The photos of the cooky packages are wonderful...! I don't have any of the cookies left...do you?
I'm glad that you had a great time with your Mom and Joel...I bet the girls were thrilled to have Grandma here...
Wow so so busy....What totally wonderful gifts. you amaze me with all these creations and they all looks so stunning!!!!!! Where do you find all your time!!!!!
Wow you have been very busy! Your creations are Fantastic!
Good thing I'm not part of your cookie exchange. I'd be feeling totally inadequate having to come up with both yummy cookies AND fancy packaging! Sounds like a fun evening. All the packages look great!
Great wrapping Ideas!
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