Apparantly I am a Winner!

Good afternoon! It's OH MY HOT and sunny here! I've been burnt to a crisp and walked miles since I last blogged!

We took a little road trip up to WI where we got to do some fun fun things plus hang out with friends!

First we spent quite a lot of time at the Oshkosh Air Show which is a 2 week event up there. Dave got to see lots of war planes new and old on the ground and in the air! Plus they had stunt planes and sky writers and performances and and and and and. So we spent so much time walking through fields from plane to booth to plane we sat and watched the shows we took tons of pictures we explored and learned and exhausted ourselves!

And I know your asking what my girls were doing this entire time? Well most booths were prepared for children so they got lots of flying toys to play with plus the fact that mommy allowed even suggested they pour water on their heads on a regular basis was just way too much fun! So there were a few water fights etc. They really can make the best of it. Our friends have grown children but they did save quite a few toys so they had that to play with as well! The US Gov. building had a bunch of booths giving out tons of little things for the girls to play with.

And then Mommy promised them a trip to the American Girl Outlet which was a huge motivator!!!! They went in and jaws dropped proclaimed to want everything they saw! They forgot all about the hundreds of planes the had seen and been on. Priorities to a 7 & 4yr old girl are really basic!

Anyhoo while I was away I gather I won a contest over at I'm attaching my layout here it's using product from their Seasonal kit. I so rarely win! Dave was right we should have bought lottery tickets. He mentioned that when he hit almost every green light after we got off the expressway to home! He was counting what is normally a 40min trip took us 25 because of that! What are the odds?

Hope eveyrone is enjoying their last weeks of summer!


Dianne said...

Congratulations on winning's a wonderful layout!!

Kathi said...

Congratulations on winning! That's such a cute layout.

Treighsie said...

Congrats on winning!!

Rita said...

Congrats on winning the contest! Sounds like you've been busy and having a great time!!!