I'm the IDIOT Parent

Yes it's true! I hate when my children are unhappy! This whole fish thing is killng me. I had already instructed Dave to buy a new one on his way home but later they discovered the other fishy wasn't just sleeping in his bowl. OMG the screaming and sobbing. I was waiting for someone to break into AMAZING GRACE at any moment, throw themselves on the bowl and wail as we tried to pull them off. This is how I remember funerals on my Grandma's side of the family as a child! Very reminiscent of that. Anyway back to my idocy! Dave calls to warn me when he's close to home and I inform him that I've finally gotten them calmed down Emily is laying in her bed and won't speak and Abbi just needed lots of hugs, but that they know the fish didn't make it. You do remember we've only had these fish since about 7:30pm this past Friday right probably later we stood in line for a long time to pick up our precious cargo? So he comes in with the new fish and puts the bag in the water to bring it to the right temp. Later while making dinner I look closely at our new addition. It's a girl fish, go ahead ask me how I know this?************* That's right it's the most pregnant fish I've ever seen in my entire life! So now in my effort to not have sad distraught children I am going to have a million little goldfish! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I have a million fish questions now what do I do when she has these babies how will I know will they all survive(not in out house I'm sure unles their a special breed that eats cake or whatever Abbi is having). Do I buy a giant tank or can I take them to a Fishy shelter to be given new fishy homes if they do make it how long before I can seperate them from their mommy. Ok granted the likelyhood of the mom fish making it the end of her pregnancy is slim as the lifespan in our house is average like 2 days. But I am worried we can see how my luck is going on this can't we??????????? Any fishy experts out there?


Anonymous said...

Wow, sound like things will be interesting at your house. Unfortunately I'm not a fish expert as our gold fish only lived six months and we now have a Beta. Good Luck!!

Christi said...

Oh, Marnie...LOL! You are in for it if goldfish are like most fish...they tend to eat their babies. They have lots of them, but most of them don't make it to adulthood (having flashbacks from our fish tank of childhood.) If they get so distraught...it may be easier if momma fish met with a disastrous fate before she gave birth...is that bad to say??? Good luck!

Julia Sandvoss said...

Marnie..I have no fish advice other than to say..I can totally relate on the dying fish! We actually had a fish jump out of our tank and die on the floor! EWWWW! the kids and I weren't too happy and weirder the opening this big guy got out of was so small. I guess he just didn't like us!LOL Good luck on all those babies!