Friday is here!

So we've been very busy this week, and I thought things would slow down! NOT! I'm almost completely working from the studio now just minimal remains in the dining room. We had to eat there for Thanksgiving so what's there is small and is coming up here bit by bit. I made sure to take the table cloths off the table after Wed. and bring most everything upstairs and put it away. That's how it started last time things would go down for Scrap Night and never come back up until almost everything was downstairs. YIKES So I've been super productive in the studio this week. 13 Cards, 4 layouts and 3 Christmas ornaments well the ornaments need some detail (I'm not sure what?) But as soon as I figure it out their done too!
I've also been able to complete a lot of Christmas shopping(online of course) and even order myself a new vacuum cleaner for $29 can you believe? It came today I just put it together and I'm going to go give it a try in a minute!
Last night Cris came and stayed last night he has a job up here and driving back to IN is just too much during rush hour. The girls were THRILLED Uncle Cris is their favorite. He helped Em with homework and played battle ship with them. Downside they cried when it was time for bed! BUMMER!
Tonight is the Multi-Cultural event at Em's school! It's always fun! And very crowded and very hot and stuffy! SHORT SLEEVES I always forget because it's so cold outside.
So anyway that's about it. Here is a completed layout! It uses Magistical Memories chipboard, Hambly paper, some Rusty Pickle paper, the flowers are Prima and the label is Martha Stewart. The pics are dark sorry this was inside the pet store. Have a great night I'm going to try out my vacuum! Have a great night!

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