Ahhh the end of the Week!

Monday after mailing off my MMM the girls and I headed downtown to the American Girl Place to meet Jennifer and Samantha! Oh what fun it was.

Mommy enjoyed it more than the girls I think! The drive was awesome I cut accross on Addison and showed Emily where Grandpa went to school(Laine Tech) and where I used to live when I was a city dweller then we drove past Wrigley which amazed her and they loved watching the El screaming TRAIN everytime one went by. And they were right on schedule every 10 min! LOL We were quite a sight I'm sure. Me pushing Abbi in her stroller with her Bitty and Emily running behind me pushing her Bitty in her dolly stroller. Trying to get across Michigan Ave. before the busses or a rogue cabby ran us down! Luckily when we arrived a cop was directing traffic he was very nice! After much wrestling of doors we got into the store and their jaws just dropped! First we went downstairs we saw the theatre where the productions are and the AG new bath line was on display and all the girlies around were sampling everything what a smell sensation! We loved taking our strollers in the elevators it was very exciting. After we got ahold of Jennifer we headed upstairs for our Tea reservation at 4pm.

The dining room made Mommy's jaw drop! All pink and black with the most amazing chandeliers. It was girlie heaven. They sat us and our Bitties! How cute everyone got black and white striped plates even Bitty in her black and white booster. There were dolly tea cups and we got to keep the black and white polk a dot scrunchies that were our napkin rings. There was a pretty present in the middle of the table with cards to be used as conversation starters. Emily loved this I would ask her questions. Abbi was just enthralled with the whole thing! The girls ordered pink lemonade to drink and then they brough out a heart shaped plate with the most wonderful warm cinnimon buns with melted frosting. There is a touching story printed on the menu and everywhere about why the cinimmon rolls are special to the founder of American Girl. Then came the tea tray, 3 tiers of yummies. Banana Schones, Cucumber sandwiches, Turkey tea sandwhiches and these cute heart shaped cheese sandwhiches. Abbi helped her Bitty to some tea and they each began tasting the things on the tray. Jennifer and Samantha arrived an got settled then we had some nice conversation. We got Samantha a loner doll that she could share tea with. After we completed our tea and I took a sufficient amount of pictures. They took away the tray and brought us dessert. A pink Butterfly sugar cookie, chocolate moose in a flower pot with a flower(silk) in it and strawberry moose in an edible chocolate tea cup. The girls were in heaven!

We then headed to shop on the upper floor. Found the Bitty area and walked around about 12 times befor deciding on what new outfits our babies should have to mark this occasion. Emily chose the princess outfit and mommy helped Abbi pick the Sweater set for Abbigayl. To Mommy's joy we found a pair of white Bitty shoes for sale. (Bitty lost one of her white shoes at our house) Samantha chose a book that came with a kitty toy. Abbi took this chance to walk around pushing the doll stroller with Bitty in it. Unfortunately she would ram whoever was in her way. YIKES! We headed to the hospital admittance desk to ask about the scuffs on our babies heads and got some nice care instructions from the nurses there then went on to peruse the other clothes. We saw the American Girl dolls getting their hair done and checked out all the stuff for coconut! Then headed downstairs. OOOOOPs Abbi (Uh OH Baby??? Abbi's words) lost her baby somewhere between here and there! Mommy runs upstairs and finds an adorable little girl holding on to her tight near a dress I was holding up to Emily. The mom was trying very hard to explain that it probably belonged to some other little girl. All I could say was "OH you found my baby!!!!!!" The little girl was so stunned she handed the doll over and I thanked her profusely for finding her for me! Phew close call! Abbi may leave Bitty at home nextime and get a loaner doll! LOL

So back out onto the street strollers and babies all in tact. We said our goodbyes with hugs and kisses! Then back across Michicgan Ave. (this time no nice police officer) so we ran very fast across the street found our car in the parking garage and left for home. The girls were exhausted they slept all the way home. When we got home we had to show Daddy all the stuff we got and tell him all about it! Then he had to see the pictures and the leftovers then the girls had to go to bed! Even though they didn't want to!

It really was a great time. Dave makes fun of me as I keep raving about it. He says he's glad "I" had fun but I do think the girls did through all their shock and awe. Next time (yes there'll be a next time!) they'll know more what to expect and they have even more fun! Maybe we'll try to see a show or get portraits in the potrait studio with our Bitties!


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